Artikl ingliz tiliga xos bo'lib, noaniq a(an) va aniq the artikli mavjud. A(an) asosan bir dona ma'nosini bildirib, otdan oldin keladi. Kasblar bilan a(an) ishlatiladi. Masalan:
I have a friend .
Tashkent is a city.
I am a doctor.

The artikli aniq predmetlar uchun oldindan qayd etilgan narsalar uchun qo'llanadi. Bu articllarning ishlatilish qoydalari juda murakkab, ular biroz qiynchiliklar tug'diradi, chunki istesno hollari ko'p.
The aniq artikli asosan :
1) Daryo, dengiz, okean, ko'llar, tog' chizmalari bilan.
The Urals, the pacific Ocean, the Black sea.
2) Yagona planetalar, yer, osmon, quyosh, oy bilan.
The Earth, the sky, the sun, the moon.
3) Dunyo tomonlari: sharq. g'arb, janub, shimol bilan.
The east, the west, the south, the north.
4) Tartib sonlar bilan.
The first, the second.
5) Sifatlarning ortirma darajasi bilan.
The most interesting, the best, the biggest va boshqa hollarda.

Artikllar o'quv predmetlari, sport o'yinlari, ovqatlar, mamlakatlar, shaharlar, qit'alar, nomlari atoqli otlar va boshqa bir qator hollarda ishlatilmaydi: Canada, Tashkent, Europe, football, literature, soup.

1 ] . Mos artikllarni qo'ying.
1. We have … large family.
2. My mother is … doctor.
3. He is … engineer.
4. England is … country.
5. I am … student.
6. He has … child.
7. This is … Tree .
8. We have … dog . … dog is white.
9. This is … bag . … is red.
10. … sun is yellow.
11. … sky is blue.
12. Where is … cat? … cat is on the sofa.
13. Here is … large window.
14. In … corner of … room there is … sofa.

2 ] . Gaplarni tarjima qiling, artikllarga e'tibor bering.
1. The Thames is a river.
2. Russia is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.
3. This is a map of the world.
4. The USA is the largest country in America.
5. Jack London is an English writer.
6. The North Sea separates the British Isles from Europe.
7. Which is the highest mountain in our country?
8. The Balkans are old mountains.
9. I buy bread and milk in the shop.
10. Three men came to New York for a holiday.

3 ] . Nuqtalar o'rniga mos artikllarini qo'ying.
1. There is … book. Take … book from … table.
2. Take this book into … bookcase.
3. … weather is fine today … sky is blue …. Sun is shining brightly in … blue … sky.
4. This is … boy. … boy is my … brothers friend.
5. He has … cat, but he has no … dog. He likes his … cat. He gives … cat … milk every day.
6. Yesterday I received … letter from my … friend. … letter was interesting.
7. We live in … big house . I like … house.
8. Are you … worker? – No, I am … student.
9. We have … big dog. … dog is very clever.
10. My friend has … very good violin.
11. There is …big piano in the hall.
12. This is … tree and that is not … tree. It's … bush.
13. There is … thick red … carpet in my room. … carpet is on … floor in front of … sofa.
Tavsiya qilamiz