May, might modal fe'li.
May modal fe'li ruxsat va taxminni bildiradi o'tgan zamon shakli -might so'roq shakli may va might modal fe'llarini egadan oldinga chiqishi bo'lishsi shakli esa, shu fe'llardan so'ng not inkor yuklamasini qo'yish bilan yasaladi.
You may go home.
May I go home?- Yes, you may.
It may rain today.

=>. Gaplarni o'qing va tarjima qiling.

1. May I phone you today? Yes, of course you may,
2. Might it better to stop now?
3. He may not agree with your idea.
4. You know, I think it might rain.
5. Where is Elena ?- She might be in the reading hall .
6. I may fly to Tashkent next week.
7. Let's go and see her later. She may not be here now.
8. John may be in the garden.

=>. May fe'lining o'rniga Can fe'lini qo'ying va orasidagi farqni ayting.

1. May we see the film in the cinema?
2. May I have ajook at these pictures?
3. May he try to play this week?
4. May I invite my friends to the concert?
5. May I take part in the discussion?
6. May I stop work a little earlies tonight?
=>. Gaplarni tarjima qiling:

1. U hozir band bo'lishi mumkin.
2. Bir oz kutaylik, hozir qo'ng'iroq qilishi mumkin
3. Balki u bu haqida bilar.
4. Kitobingizni olsam maylimi?
5. Bugun qor yog'ishi mumkin.
6. Hozir u uyda bo'lishi mumkin.

=>. Gaplarni so'roq va bo'lishsiz shaklda yozing.

1. If you ask him he may help you.
2. It may be cold today.
3. You may go home right now.
4. It may be all right.
5. She may be at home in the evening.
6. If you don't put on warm clothes you may catch cold.
7. You may miss the train if you don't hurry.
8. You may fail at the exam if you don't work hard.
Tavsiya qilamiz