1. Please give me … cup of … coffee with … cream and … sugar.
a) -/the/-/a
b) a/-/-/-
c) a/the/an/-
d) the/the/the/the

2. My … car is four years old and it still runs well.
a) a
b) -
c) an
d) the

3. When you go to … store, please buy … bottle of chocolate milk and … dozen oranges.
a) the/ the/ -
b) a/ the/ -
c) the/ a/ a/
d) a/ a/ the/

4. … Lake Erie is one of … fine Great Lakes in … North America.
a) -/ a/ a
b) the/a/the
c) -/ the/ -
d) the/ a

5. On our trip to … Spain we crossed … Atlantic Ocean.
a) -/ the/
b) -/-
c) an / a
d) a/ the

6. What did you eat for … breakfast?
a) -
b) the
c) an
d) a

7. She plays … violin and his sister plays … guitar.
a) the/ a
b) the/ the
c) -/-
d) -/ the/

8. Mel's father is in …hospital, so we went to visit him … last night.
a) the/ -
b) -/the
c) a/the
d) the/the/

9. …Civil War was fought in … United States between 1861 and 1865.
a) -/-
b) the/-
c) the/ the
d) the/ a

10. Scientists hope to send … expedition to … Mars during … 1980`s.
a) the/ -/ -
b) an/ the/ the
c) the/ an/ an
d) a/ the/ -


1. Put … your raincoat it looks raining.
a) on
b) down
c) in
d) at

2. Don't take … your coat. It is cold here.
a) on
b) in
c) at
d) a/ off

3. What do the tasted of the public depend …?
a) in;
b) before;
c) at;
d) on

4. Are you waiting … anyone or are you just taking a rest.
a) on
b) in;
c) after
d) for

5. I am not going to look … new words and then put them … … my note-book.
a) at/down into
b) in/ out of
c) through/ down into
d) on/ off

6. I don’t want to listen … you now. I have heard it all.
a) on
b) in
c) at
d) to
7. Look … yourself … the mirror.
a) in/ at; b) for/ down; c) at/ in; d) in/ at
8. Come … here and tell me your story.
a) in; b) for; c) at; d) -.
9. We had a good view as we were flying … London.
a) above; b) about; c) over; d) on.
10. He is looking … to starting work.
a) for; b) forward; c) after; d) up.
11. He hasn’t been out of doors … yesterday.
a) from; b) for; c) since; d) after.
12. My friends came to see me …
a) away; b)off; c) of; d) at.
13. The film reminds me … my childhood.
a) of; b) about ; c) at; d) from.
14. I haven’t seen my friend … a very long time.
a) since; b) for; c) at; d) from.
15. The report will be ready … two days.
a) after; b) in; c) before; d) by
16. The plane took … at 4 p. m.
a) off; b) up; c) out; d) of
17. Whom does he look …?
a) in; b) by; c) like; d) from
18. … my friends there are many who have traveled a lot.
a) between; b) among; c) along; d) by
19. Her father’s life is … danger.
a) out; b) of; c) against; d) out of
20. I am not interested … this subject.
a) in; b) at; c) by; d) of
21. There were many passengers … board.
a) in; b) on; c) at; d) off
22. There is a beautiful lake … these two villages.
a) among; b) between; c) over; d) above
23. Jack didn’t objects … playing the part of a monk.
a) against; b) to; c) of; d) on
24. Tom is proud … his father.
a) of; b) on; c) at; d) from
25. The rain didn’t prevent him … going to the party.
a) against; b) of; c) from; d) out of
26. I have joined … football club.
a) to; b) at; c) for; d) -
27. He has been married … two years.
a) for; b) since; c) during; d) in
28. Would you pick … the toys in the living-room and put them away?
a) off; b) out; c) up; d) in
29. If you break the law, you’ll be … trouble.
a) for; b) in; c) out; d) out of
30. He has just taken an exam … history.


1. Ann gives … her a dress.
a) us; b) we; c) our; d) ours
2. Your flat is bigger than …
a) our; b) ours; c) we; d) us
3. I didn’t know about the concert … told me.
a) somebody; b) anybody; c) everybody; d) nobody
4. I want those books. Please give … to me.
a) they; b) them; c) those; d) these
5. They didn’t want … a professional pianist.
a) him to be; b) him be; c) he to be ; d) he be
6. I see … at the Union every Friday.
a) she; b) her; c) herself; d) itself
7. John bought …a new coat.
a) himself; b) herself; c) they; d) themself.
8. … record is scratched and … too
a) yours/ me; b) theirs/ him; c) your/ mine ; d) he/ she
9. … car doesn’t go as fast as …
a) her/ our; b) our/ hers; c) your/their; d)her/ ours
10. The problem is easy enough you … to solve at once.
a) I; b) me; c) my; d) mine
11. Have you … books on the subject ?
a) some; b) any; c) nothing d) every
12. It’s time for … to come.
a) them; b) those; c) their; d) theirs
13. He comes here … lay.
a) some; b) any; c) no; d) every
14. The articles in the “Morning Star” are much more difficult than … in the “Morning News”.
a) those; b) that; c) one; d) this
15. Don’t you want to tell me … has happened to you?
a) what; b) that; c) this; d) than
16. We are going for a walk you can go with …
a) me; b) us; c) our; d) ours
17. A vegetarian is someone … doesn’t eat meat.
a) whom; b) who; c) which; d) whose
18. A friend of … came to stay with us.
a) my; b)mine; c) myself; d) my own
19. … I want is rest.
a) it; b) that; c) this; d) what
20. There are … fruit trees in their garden: five apple-trees and three cherry-trees.
a) few; b) little; c) many; d) much
21. There is .. air and light in the room, because the ceiling is high and there are … windows in.. the room.
a) little/ few; b) a few/little; c) a few/ many; d) much/ a few
22. There is … furniture and … books in the room.
a) many/ much; b) little/ much; c) little/ many; d) many/ many
23. There aren’t … musical instruments in his house.
a) few; b) little; c) much; d) many
24. I didn’t know about the concert … told me.
a) somebody; b) anybody; c) everybody; d) nobody
25. We don’t know … about car engines.
a) nothing; b) something c) anything; d) everything
26. I saw her … but I don’t remember where.
a) nowhere; b) anywhere; c) somewhere; d) somebody
27. Put .. sugar in your tea, there is … sugar in it.
a) no/any; b) some/ no; c) none/ no; d) some/ not any
28. I see … cucumbers in the salads. Why haven’t you added … cucumbers.
a) some / any; b) none/ no; c) no/ any; d) any/ some
30. I had … time to go and buy …
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